
First time? Let us help

What to know before your visit...

We know coming to a new church can be stressful and filled with questions.  We'd love to make your first time with us enjoyable.  Here's some basic information that can help you navigate your first time at ABC.

Acton Baptist meets regularly for worship and Bible studies on Sundays and Wednesdays. At both 9:00am and 10:30am on Sunday mornings, Sunday school is offered for in-depth Bible study for every age group. On Wednesdays, our kid and youth ministries meet for their weekly gatherings as well as adult Bible studies.


Blended Worship/Sunday School: 9:00am

Community Time: 10:10am

Modern Worship/Sunday School: 10:30am


Church-wide Dinner: 5:00pm

AWANA and Youth MDWK: 6:00pm

Adult Bible Studies: 6:15pm

Our blended service, beginning at 9:00am, is a blend of praise music and traditional hymns.  Our orchestra and choir lead the congregation in worship before Pastor Mark delivers the message God has laid on his heart for our gathering.

Our  modern service, beginning at 10:30am, is led by our worship team and leads our congregation in songs that are focused on the heart of God and our response to His love.  Pastor Mark then delivers the week's message, challenging our gathering with God's Word.

We love our kids at Acton Baptist.  From the youngest to oldest, we are glad you are here. All of our volunteers have been trained and background checked for the safety of our kids and no room has less than two adults present. For your convenience, our ministry check-in stations have been color-coded.

Nursery (Newborn-2yr)
9:00am and 10:30am

Our nursery is marked by teal green in the middle of the downstairs. Children are checked in and out using a computer-generated tag and are kept safe during services where they are shown the love of God by our caring staff.

PreK (2yr-Kindergarten)
9:00am and 10:30am

Marked by lime green down our treehouse hallway, our preschoolers are checked in. They are cared for by our team of volunteers as they are taught basic concepts about who God is and His love for us. 

Kids (Grades 1st-5th)
Extended Session 9:00am
Sunday School 10:30am

Located in what ABC calls the Grand Hall, the kids ministry check-in is located under the yellow lamps at the self-service computers.  Once checked in, kids head upstairs to the kids' castle, where Pastor Scott and his kidmin team teach the foundational truths of God through Scripture.

Youth (Grades 6th-12th)
Sunday School 9:00am

Following the hall all the way down will lead you to our youth room, marked in blue. Youth, grades 6-12, are led by Pastor Josh and his team.  There, our youth are taught application in regards to the truth of God found in Scripture. Following Sunday School, youth are dismissed to the 10:30am service in the worship center.

We want you to feel welcome at Acton Baptist.  We ask that you come as you are.  Our make-up on any given Sunday ranges from t-shirts to suits. As our guests, we want you to be able to come knowing we aren't going to pressure or expect anything from you. We would simply love to meet you and show you the love of Christ and all that He has done for us.

What do we value?

Our values are the foundation of our ministries.  No matter what we do as a church, our values are a reflection of our purpose.  We strive to be a community where authentic Christian transformation is realized not only in our purpose, but in our very being. We seek to accomplish this by every member of our church encountering Christ and engaging others.

Undeniable Truth

We will never compromise the unfailing truth of the Word of God, no matter the circumstance.

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." -John 14:6

Determined Discipleship

We will never stop growing in Christ or encouraging the growth of other believers.

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. -Hebrews 10:24

Attractional Love

We will love others as Christ has loved us, in all ways and at all times, so that the world may see Christ through our love.

By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another. -John 13:35

Authentic Community

We will never stop the pursuit of the church being transformed into the community that functions according to God's design.

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. -1 Corinthians 13:7

What do we believe?

Our beliefs guide every action we make and help us understand the heart of God more and more every day. Acton Baptist, as an explanation of our beliefs, accepts the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 as our statement. Click below for an overview on what we hold to be true from Scripture. 

The Bible teaches that all human beings have sinned and fallen short of God's perfect standard (Romans 3:23). This sin separates us from God and makes it impossible for us to have a relationship with Him.

Our Team

Our ministries are led by our pastoral staff.  Our support staff also works throughout the week to assist our pastoral staff in the overall vision and direction of the church.  Stop by our monthly Discover Acton Baptist to meet our staff and ask questions about our church.  If you'd like to take your next steps to becoming a member at Acton Baptist, register for our quarterly Next Steps Class.

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