Young Adults

An All-In Relationship with God

Are you passionate about your faith?

So often, young adults wonder what's next after high school.  Who am I supposed to be now? Where do I fit in? The 1828 Young Adult ministry is designed to help you answer those questions.

Why 1828?

Why We Exist

After you graduate from high school, there's always a question of what's next.  From a focused kids' ministry to a focused youth ministry, the shift can be difficult.  The 1828 ministry (named for the age range we serve) is here to bridge the gap and help lead you in your relationship with Christ.

A Normal Time

A typical ministry night is a bunch of your friends sitting around a fire, eating together, laughing, and studying the Scriptures.  Our ministry leaders are excited to walk this road with you and are excited to build an all-in community.


Our young adults have amazing opportunities to reach their generation that no one else has.  Our group makes plans to go and show the world what young adults can do when they focus on the calling Christ has given each of them in their lives.


Building community is what the church is all about.  We build community through shared experiences and a focus on Christian fellowship.  Join us every week as we grow closer to Christ together.


Sunday, August 11th

Everyone moves up a grade! Welcome new 6th graders and goodbye to our awesome graduates!


Want to Know More?